,博士生导师" />






    袁小明,华中科技大学教授,国家重点基础研究计划(973计划)项目“大规模风力发电并网基础科学问题”首席科学家,国家高技术研究计划(863计划)新型电力电子关键技术及装备主题专家,国家十三五规划智能电网技术与装备重点专项专家组成员,“千人计划”国家特聘专家,教育部科技委能源学部委员。1998-2000瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院任研究员。2000-2010 GE全球研究中心任电力电子技术研究室经理、电气化平台召集人、电气总工程师,是GE历史上首位华人总工程师。2010年8月加入华中科技大学。拥有近30项授权美国专利,19项国内专利。是GE可再生能源发电故障穿越技术、虚拟同步发电技术的发明人,是变流器比例谐振控制技术的奠基人。率先倡导电力电子化电力系统安全稳定问题的研究,初步建立了多尺度建模、分析和控制的理论体系。2017年招收研究生类别:博士,科学硕士,工程硕士。电话:027-87544359,传真:027-87540937。电邮:yuanxm@mail.hust.edu.cn。 个人主页:http://www.creps.com.cn/

    Xiaoming Yuan received the B.Eng. degree from Shandong University, Jinan, China, in 1986, the M.Eng. degree from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 1993, and the Ph.D. degree from Federal University of Santa Catarina,?Florianópolis, Brazil, in 1998 ,all in electrical engineering.

    He was with Qilu Petrochemical Corporation, Zibo, China, from 1986 to 1990, where he was involved in the commissioning and testing of relaying and automation devices in power systems, adjustable speed drives, and high-power UPS systems. From 1998 to 2001, he was a Project Engineer with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland, where he was involved in flexible ac transmission systems and power quality. From 2001 to 2008, he was with the GE Global Research Center, Shanghai, China, as the Manager of the Low Power Electronics Laboratory. From 2008 to 2010, he was with the GE Global Research Center, Niskayuna, NY, USA, as an Electrical Chief Engineer. His current research interests include stability and control of power system with multimachine multiconverters, control and grid-integration of renewable energy generations, and control of high voltage dc transmission systems.

    Dr. Yuan was a recipient of the first prize paper award from the Industrial Power Converter Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society in 1999. He is a Distinguished Expert of the National Thousand Talents Program of China, and the Chief Scientist of the National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program).






截止2017年发表SCI和EI检索的学术论文60余篇,包括IEEE Transactions 18篇。一篇获得1999年IEEE 工业应用年会(IAS)最佳论文一等奖。关于变换器控制及多电平变换器的两篇论文被引用分别达438次和138次。拥有25项美国专利,其中多项已广泛应用于GE风能及太阳能光伏产品并取得极大成功。作为“973计划”项目首席科学家圆满完成“973计划”项目,并带领研究团队获得中国科技部“2016年度重点领域创新团队”的荣誉。所领导的团队因在风电并网技术方面的贡献于2006年获GE中国首届“团队技术成就奖”。2003年获上海市“科技领军人物”十佳称号。多次应邀在国内外大型学术会议做大会报告。