,博士生导师" />






    博士,教授,博士生导师。湖北省核学会常务理事,中国机械工业教育协会电机分委会委员,国家精品资源共享课电机学负责人。长期从事电机学教学工作,参加及主持编写出版电机学教材和指导书5部,开发有电机学网络课程和电机学多媒体教学系列软件。主要研究领域包括电机电器设计及控制、自由电子激光太赫兹源以及非动力核技术的应用等。获省科技进步奖2项、实用新型专利2项,在国内外重要学术期刊上发表论文50余篇,出版专著1部。联系方式:(027)87557634 yqxiong@mail.hust.edu.cn

    Yongqian Xiong

    Title: Professor

    Phone: +86-27-87557634

    Email: yqxiong@mail.hust.edu.cn

    Academic Areas: Electric and Electronic Engineering

    Research Interests: Electric Machines; FEL Terahertz source


    Academic Degrees

    PhD in Electric Machinery, 1995, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST);

    BE in Electric Machinery, 1988, HUST.


    Professional Experience

    2007-present: Professor, College of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (CEEE), HUST

    2000-2007: Associate Professor, CEEE, HUST

    1995-2000: Lecture, Department of Electrical Engineering, HUST

    1998-1999: Research Assistant, Department of Electrical Engineering, HUST


    Selected Publications

    Zeng H, Xiong Y*, Pei Y. The Effects of Magnetic Fringe Fields on Beam Dynamics in a Beam Transport Line of a Terahertz FEL Source. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2014, 764: 284-290

    Bang Wu, Lei Cao, Qiang Fu, Ping Tan, Yongqian Xiong*. Comparison of The Detection Performance of Three Nonlinear Crystals For The Electro-Optic Sampling of A FEL-THz Source. Proceedings of IPAC2014, Dresden, Germany, 2014

    Lei Yang, Jun Yang, Xialing Liu, Yongqian Xiong, Tiaoqing Yu. Study on Eddy Current Power Losses in Insulated Core Transformer Primary Coil. Proceedings of IPAC2012, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2012

    Yongqian Xiong, Wei Xiao, Jian Xiong, Hao Tang, Zuoqing Ning. PLC and PC Based Monitoring and Control System of the Switchgear Testing Laboratory. 11th International Conference on Electrical Machines and SystemsOct. 17-20, 2008

    Xiong Yongqian, Xiao Wei, Ning Zuoqing. Design and Implementation of Monitoring and Control System for the Large Sized Switch Apparatus Testing Station. Low Voltage Apparatus. No. 6, 2006 (in Chinese)

    Yongqian Xiong, Langru Li, Zhiyun Ma. Analysis and Modeling of the Active Compulsator. IEEE Trans. on Magn., Vol. 39, No. 1, January 2003

    Xiong Yongqian, Ma Zhiyun, Li Langru, Xu Shizhang. The Effects of Saturation in Active Compensator. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2001 (in Chinese)


    Award and Honors

    The science and technology progress prize of Hubei province, 2004

    The science and technology progress prize of Hunan province, 2001


    Courses Taught

    0833361: Electric Machinery

    0833451: The Principle and Application of Particle Accelerator


