,博士生导师" />


姓名:秦 斌





    工学博士,教授博士生导师。2001年与2007年分别获得华中科技大学控制科学与工程系学士与博士学位;2010年至2012年期间,受邀前往日本京都大学,开展FFAG同步加速器的合作研究。2016年入选华中科技大学第二批学术前沿青年团队(团队负责人)。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目2项,目前主持十三五国家重点研发计划项目课题1项,参与多项国家级项目及横向合作课题。在Nucl. Instrum. Meth.Rev. Sci. Instrum等期刊及国际会议上发表论文30余篇,其中以第一作者或通信作者被SCI收录10余篇,合作出版专著1部,获湖北省科技进步一等奖1次。

    QIN Bin


    Phone: (+86)-27-87557634

    Email: bin.qin@mail.hust.edu.cn

    Academic Areas: Proton therapy system, High precision electro-magnetic devices, Accelerator physics & engineering, Control and instrumentation

    Dr. Qin graduated from Department of Control Science and Technology of HUST and majored in Automation. He received his Ph.D. in June 2007, and joined in School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of HUST in August of the same year. From 2010 to 2012, he was a researcher in Kyoto University, for R&D of FFAG accelerators applied to medical domain. Now he is an associate professor in School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of HUST.

    His main research areas are: 1) Proton therapy systems, including proton isochronous cyclotrons and beamline; 2) FEL oscillators in THz and sub-millimeter region, including design and technology of undulator and beamline; 3) High precision control and diagnostics.

    Academic Degrees

    09/2001 – 06/2007: PhD in Control Theory and Engineering, Department of Control Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science & Technology

    09/1997 – 06/2001: BS in Control Science and Engineering, Department of Control Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science & Technology

    Professional Experience/ Positions

    11/2016 – Present:Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

    01/2012 – 10/2016: Associate Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

    06/2010-01/2012: Researcher, Kyoto University, Research Reactor Institute

    07/2009-06/2010: Lecturer, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

    07/2007-07/2009: Postdoctoral researcher, Huazhong University of Science and Technology




[1] 中国粒子加速器学会-加速器技术专委会副主任

[2] IEEE Transaction on Nuclear Science, IEEE Transaction on Applied Superconductivity 审稿人

[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(11375068),等时性FFAG加速器原理及关键技术研究,2014.1-2017.12,主持,在研

[4] 国家重点研发计划项目“基于超导回旋加速器的质子放疗装备研发”,课题负责人(束流输运与能量选择系统,2016YFC0105305),2016.8-2020.12

[5] 国家自然科学基金青年基金(10905025),浅谷型回旋加速器磁场测量与垫补关键技术研究,2009.1-2011.12,主持,完成


[1]Bin Qin*, Wei Chen, Xu Liu et al., Design of Gantry Beamline for HUST Proton Therapy Facility, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2017.2772868

[2]Wei Chen, Jun Yang, Bin Qin et al., Transmission calculation and intensity suppression for a proton therapy system, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 2018, 881:82–87

[3]Xu Liu, Bin Qin*, Kaifeng Liu et al., Eddy current analysis and optimization of fast scanning magnet for a proton therapy system, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 2017, 862:1–7

[4]X. Liu, K.F. Liu*, B. Qin et al., Optical alignment and tuning system for the HUST THz-FEL, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 2016, 837:58-62

[5]B. Qin*, K.F. Liu, X. Liu et al., Linear polarizing undulator and optical alignment system for a THz-FEL test facility, Proc. SPIE 9512 invited talk, Advances in X-ray Free-Electron Lasers Instrumentation III, 951202 (May 12, 2015).

[6]B. Qin, R&D of FFAG and small accelerators in HUST, FFAG Workshop 2015, talk, Sep 19-22, Fukuoka, Japan.

[7]Qushan Chen, Bin Qin*, Kaifeng Liu et al., Design and testing of focusing magnets for a compact electron linac, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 2015, 798:74–79

[8]WANG Yanbing, LIU Xialing, QIN Bin*, LIU Xu, YANG Lei, CHEN Wei, LIU Kaifeng, YANG Jun. Integral magnetic field measurement of THz-FEL oscillator undulator based on stretch-wire method. Nuclear Techniques, 2015, 38 (7): 70103-070103.

[9]B. Qin, K.F. Liu, D. Li et al., Design study of a 250MeV superconducting isochronous cyclotron for proton therapy, 12th Symposium on Accelerator Physics, August 2014, Lanzhou, China.

[10]Chen Q., *Qin, B., Tan P et al., Design of RF chopper system for improving beam quality in FEL injector with thermionic gun, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 2014, Vol. 620(2-3), pp 121-127

[11]YANG Lei, *QIN Bin, YANG Jun et al., Optimization of the lattice function in the planar undulator applied for terahertz FEL oscillators, Chinese Physics C., Vol. 38(3), 2014, 037004.

[12]B. Qin*, P. Tan, L. Yang et al., Design considerations of a planar undulator applied in a?terahertz FEL oscillator, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, (2013) 727:90-96

[13]B. Qin*, J. Yang, K.F. Liu et al., Precise isochronous field shimming using correlation matrix for compact cyclotrons. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, (2012) 129~134.

[14]*Lagrange, J-B, Planche, T., Yamakawa, E., Uesugi, T., Ishi, Y., Kuriyama, Y., Qin, B., Okabe, K., Mori Y., Straight scaling FFAG beam line, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, (2012) Vol. 691, pp 55-63.

[15]B. Qin*, Y. Mori, Compact superferric FFAG accelerators for medium energy hadron applications. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 648 (2011) 28-34

[16]B. Qin*, et al., An improved matrix method for magnet shimming in compact cyclotrons. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 620 (2010) 121-127

[17]Qin Bin*, Liu Kaifeng, Feng Yizhang, Fan Mingwu. Central Region Design for a 10 MeV Internal Ion Source Cyclotron. Chinese Physics C. 2009, vol. 33(8):682~686

[18]Bin Qin*, Jun Yang, Yongqian Xiong, et al. A pythonic integrated solution for virtual prototyping of cyclotrons, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B, 261(2007):56-59.